Monday 8 February 2016

The Job Hunt & New Beginnings

Hello kittens!

So it has been a week since I got back to being the New Girl in the City. Chi-town gave me a warm welcome. The fall temperatures have ensured that my snow coat is tucked away in the corner of my closet. I stepped out in my sweatshirt yesterday - Basically, it can't get any better.
I started this blog to mark beginnings and change in my life. 
The beginning then was Grad-school. 
This year's beginning has marked: Living Alone/Job Hunting. 
For the very first time in my life, I am living by myself. I was petrified by the thought of it. 
Here's a confession:
I'd probably be lying if I were to say that I am not enjoying it. While it is amazing to have someone live with you, this has been a welcome change. 

However,  today I wanted to focus on the Job-hunt aspect because that's been a toughie. International students don't have it easy. With competent skills, a list of talents and funny, sassy and fabulous personalities there is a visa that hovers above the resume. There's so much going on - Good interviews and ho-hum interviews, encouraging emails and mild let-downs and great conversations and not so great conversations. Often they materialize into offers but sometimes, Bam! You're back to square one. But what I've come to realize is that if you look at all from a perspective of 'experience', I'd say it's an enjoyable one. There is a certain rush that you feel when you interview - it's a great feeling trying to persuade someone to place their trust in your abilities. It's fun to fill an exciting form that actually makes you think. There was one agency for which I wrote a creative test and it was the highlight of my week! 

However there are bouts of frustration, sometimes resulting in hanger, tears and insomnia. In all of this madness it is so important to keep your cool and keep your sanity intact. I have made a conscious effort to establish a routine, to take care of myself and to be positive. 8 days hence, I see it working in my sanity's favour. It's tough but worth it. 
Here's what I'm trying and if you're in the same boat you might want to try to! :)


Meditate: Newly taken up & proving to be the highlight of my day, this 30 minute beginning of my day leaves me feeling absolutely fabulous and ready to take on the craziness. Self confidence is key during this period and this my-time makes me believe like I can do anything I wish to do (Kinda works like the secret). Of course it's difficult to train your mind not to think, and so an easy way out is to make your mind think about the right things. Guided meditation has worked wonders for me. If you are in your job hunt it's definitely something worth experiencing. If you're interested, send me a note and I'm happy to send you my favorite videos!

Exercise: You don't want to be stuck on the couch clicking away all day! I find it so liberating to be active. Apart from the fact that I have kinda reached stomach-goals that I can't flaunt thanks to the weather, it makes me feel amazing. I have taken to Surya Namaskars  and Tibetan Yoga but of course if the weather is good then nothing like a good ol' run. Exercising releases the happy hormone, it really does.

Eat well: I cannot even explain how important this is. During grad-school this is something that I did not pay attention to and my body hated me for it - Eating well and eating on time. I felt lethargic when I had to finish presentations, acidic in class and sometimes I felt like a mini death after a night of drinking. Food has a direct correlation to your productivity and mood. I'm not skipping breakfast, eating lots of fruits and vegetables and drinking more water than I have in my past life. I'm actually being a little anal about this - I have water alarms set on my phone. But the good side to this, I'm cooking a lot. I'm soon going to post a recipe of my Spinach Risotto - which by the way was a hit!

Entertain yourself: Sing in the shower, watch cat videos, pick up a new (non-binge-worthy) show, paint, get a couple of drinks with someone who makes you laugh, go a little crazy. It's re-energising because change is so important. Sometimes the break helps you focus better. I have gotten back to singing, sketching and wine hours. I'm not complaining!  

Learn a new skill: See this time as tons of free time. Learn something that might help you do your next job better. I brushed up on my Web design, went through my Social Analytics softwares and I'm currently learning SEO because why not?  

Work on your Personal Brand: Ah, this one is what makes all the difference. When somebody interviews you, they want to remember you as an experience. They want to have a good time, be intrigued, be impressed. They want you to be different than the 74895736384 other coffees they've set up, and the 5956936593865938 interviews they've conducted. Make it worth it for them. Go that extra mile, do something crazy, show them that you've researched what you're saying and show them who you are. Apart from the interview prep, make a website, write a kickass cover letter, make a quirky visiting card. I made my own website and it's helping so much! Efforts always have an outcome and remember they're hiring a brand for their brand.

Social Media Productivity: Harnessing the power of Social Media works wonders in the Job hunt. I've been trying to understand what is it that my potential employers read, what does the industry dance to and what are the conversations people are having. Send in-mails, ask for advice, join groups, be a part of conversations - Somewhere something may click, and if it doesn't then you're learning anyway!

Sleep - Obviously. Get your 8 hours, rise and shine like a Daffodil!

Yes, I have my days when I'm umm-errr-never-mind too but we all need some self motivating don't we? Let's hope I keep going on with this.
No, I haven't landed my dream job yet, but let's pray that I will real soon, Will ya? 
Remember they're as lucky to have you, as you are to have them! 

And soak up the sun in this time, You're going to be working ALLLL your life.

Oh also, I better get a job real quick - because Beyonce, Coldplay and Rihanna need me in their concerts this summer ;) 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. This is just sooo inspiring!
    Love you for what you are my baby sister! :-*
