Thursday 31 December 2015

December Diaries

It has been a December to remember!
I'll tell you why,

Hardwork -  It started with a lot of Hardwork. Tons of final submissions, presentations, last few group meetings, all-nighters, some incredibly satisfying and some marginally disappointing. Last few classes in the classrooms. Not realizing that it's the end of school. Suddenly being overwhelmed that it's the end of school.

Achievement - Hey! I graduated. After the intense 15 months of sharpening strengths, discovering new strengths and facing weaknesses it does feel like an achievement!

Finish point - Life is full of start points and Finish points. This one was a very memorable finish point. When I looked back I saw my growth, the places I'd been, the people I'd met and the great times that went by.

Celebration -   I came back home! Attended Big Fat Indian weddings, had a birthday party, celebrated my graduation and celebrated my time away from home!

23 - I turned 23. I'd say it's a milestone year for me and if you ask why: My entire blog enlists my journey through 23!

Under the covers - Too much of a good thing is bad. This time it was 11 days worth of wedding food. A bout of fever was troublesome but the rest helped me think, the sleepless nights helped me plot and plan my next year and the pain I was in reminded me of the value of good health :)

Well, that's just a summary.

All in all, it's been a great year folks!

A little something I wrote in the new year spirit:

Happy 2016 to all you lovely people! Thank you for reading and thank you for being with me through my journey as a New Girl in the City! I promise to keep you  entertained, a little enthralled, sometimes inspired but mostly smiling :)

Love and snowflakes,

Monday 30 November 2015

Tad Bit of Panic

  1. 1.
    sudden uncontrollable fear or anxiety, often causing wildly unthinking behavior.

Well, the oxford is on point.

This post is written in pure panic caused due to sudden transition.


1) I haven't posted all November. The minute I realized it was November 30 (Also, a very special day) I jumped wondering about how unfortunate my blog calendar will end up looking if it says November(0). However, Panic is irrational so it followed a million other thoughts. 

2) I'm graduating in 12 days. That's right! What happens next? I have it all figured out. 
I have NO idea. Apart from the fact that I'm going home to a bunch of happy faces, I don't know. I may be teaching English in a part of India I can't pronounce (That would be nice) or I could have a fancy job in the Bay area (That would be ideal) 

3) Unknown gives peace. Half known gives stress and full known means trouble. I am hanging in the half known. After 22 years (I'm not letting it sink in that I'm very close to turning 23) I know what I really like to do. And I really really like to do it.  But its half known because even though I know what I want to do and I'm pretty damn good at it, I haven't quite figured out how to get there.

4) Financial Independence: That means something. I have suddenly reached this point in my life when I want to be responsible for everything I do and I want to take care of myself. (Mom and Dad, gifts are ALWAYS welcome) but I want to pay my bills on my own and I want to at least try saving something substantial.

5) The Job Hunt: There I said it! I was skeptical because at this point you could be a future employer reading it but hey! What’s there to hide? I have applied for tons of jobs, had several interviews but I just know about 3 that I would actually LOVE. Of course, this is what I think right now but December is a tough time because everyone is in the mood to be jolllaaaay and budgets are tight as the financial year is ending. Cherry on the cake? 97.8 % of Online resumes don't reach a human being. So, I am good, really good at what I do. But this wait is making me crazy, and the fact that a lot of my resumes don't reach a human being makes me hysterical. The known means trouble though because I know that I'm going to find a job, at a place that I love, and add immense value to where I am working. 

So yes those are my reasons to panic ^ Writing helps, Also November is not (0) anymore!

^That was a monologue. No judging  :) 

Miles to go before I sleep,

Wednesday 21 October 2015

Social Media

This is rather controversial for me to speak about,

1) I am from the field of Marketing
2) I am such an active social media user

However, since a few days I have been dwelling about the repercussions of social media, the usage of social media in current times and the impact it has on our lives, and it's got me thinking.

Let's start with a couple of confessions:

1) I am always connected
2) I find it hard to stay away from my phone for more than 30 minutes
3) My life involves a lot of sharing
4) I only share the highlights of my life (Read: The talk-worthy moments)
5) I do not share how down I typically feel on Sunday afternoons (Read: Sunday blues)
6) I share the relationships I want to celebrate
7) I do not celebrate the relationships I am not proud of being in
8) I only upload my nicest looking pictures on facebook (probably 2 out of 100)
9) My facebook life is a  strategically selected facade of the highlights of my real life

That was difficult to accept... but that makes me think.

I wonder whether we're currently living 2 lives at one time.
One,which is raw vulnerable, real and imperfect and the other that is glossy, triumphant and picture perfect?

 Our popularity is based on the number of likes our pictures receive.
Let's face the fact, if we do not cross the 11-like mark on instagram, or the 100-like mark on our facebook profile picture  most of us feel like shit. The whole point of sharing is to get people to know. We also don't remember most birthdays anymore. Why would we? We have Social Media to remind us.

I was speaking to a friend today and I told him that I am away from home and so I find a lot of happiness in writing wall posts for close friends on my social media platform. I think it makes them feel special. He asked why? I couldn't help thinking that it was so that the whole world knew how special they were. He said, don't you think they'll feel even more special if you sent them a personal message telling them how special they were. I thought he was right but I wasn't sure whether that was the reality in society.

While it's difficult to admit, research shows that 87% of social media users (irrespective of their sharing habits) base their idea of an ideal body image, skin tone, dressing sense, personality and humor based on social media influencers in their circle. That is why "stalking" is so prevalent. We stalk those who we aspire to be, envy, want to be friends with, want to be romantically linked to, want to get to know better -  just to know the highlights of their life.
Ideal Self vs Actual Self

In my consumer insight class earlier this year, we learned about "Ideal self" and "Actual self" and this gets me thinking about Social Media. Maybe Social media is just an extension of our ideal self, the self we want to be but not necessarily are, the self we want to show the world, the humor we want to project, the contouring that pumps up the high cheek bones, the wine drinking habits and the super social group of friends.


immediately got me thinking about the success of Humans of New York. They were real stories from real people! Such a breath of fresh air because  they involved so many real emotions. We suddenly realized there was a world beyond our own that involved struggle, joys, relationships and meaningful sharing. There were refugees losing their children, there were people who never gave up on their dreams but still didn't succeed, there were daughters reuniting with their fathers at the age of 50 and children protecting the goat their father brought to slaughter. Suddenly we were seeing reality. These posts went viral. There was empathy, sympathy and relatability coming from every corner of the world in the form of 35000 shares per post.

This leaves me with a parting thought: I am not a cynic and I certainly do not disapprove of social media. But maybe it's time to step back and regroup our energies. Maybe it's time to use social media not to be insecure or spread insecurity, to judge your popularity or body image but to use its potential to provide a greater good to our social circle. A platform to boost egos, better body images, celebrate triumphs and obviously be in touch. I haven't figured that out yet but when I put my marketing cap back on I know the power of Social Media and I know its possible. And while we do all of that, maybe live a real life without being consumed by social media, without being connected all the time and without feeling the urge to check our phones all the time (Read: Guilty) 

Maybe live a life where we are consumed in the real present and not the digital present, where we click pictures to save memories and not see if it's share worthy and where life does not depend on what others think about it.

I am still confused about how I feel about this phenomenon. But I do feel something strong and I know it has to do with a  huge change in the way we use this platform.

Tonight, I will sleep without worrying about the number of likes/views/comments this post receives but about the amount of lives it affects.

Wednesday 14 October 2015

I'm going home

Someday I'll have something to say, and it shall be simple. Today feels like one of those days.

Today, I booked my flight to go back to Mumbai.
For the first time, I know what it feels like to go home. 

On 28th August, 2014, as I sat in the car on my way to the airport there was a whirlwind of thoughts in my mind. 
Today, when I think back to that day, I remember convincing myself to not go back for 15 months. I told myself that in every vacation that I have I will travel to places I have never been, meet people who I've never seen, learn skills that make me a better version of myself, discover tastes that my taste buds don't recognize and spend every minute of my 15 months trying to discover myself. I can say that I pretty much stuck to the plan. 

It's fifth quarter, and when I think back so much has changed. 

I'm not a New Girl in the City anymore. I can go from Quartino to Big Bowl without using Google Maps, I know the entire sequence of 18 stops from my house to downtown and I can tell you exactly what you should eat at my favorite 19 restaurants in Chicago. Also, I can call a cab and come back home fearlessly at 4 AM (My mother isn't too happy about this one). It feels familiar today, it feels like home. 

I survived the winter, the snowstorm, the terrible pangs of homesickness, the silly roommate troubles, softwares that scare the living hell out of me, a stalker, a 911 phone call, being stranded on top of a mountain in a mountain lion area. Basically, I survived this whole new life. 

And after all that, I thoroughly enjoyed the people, the food, the road trips, the mountains, the lake, my school, the drunken nights. 
Today, I cherish the new friends I've made, a couple that I will cherish for life, I cherish my house that I've made efforts to decorate, I cherish the food I make after a long day working, I cherish the long Facetime calls with people back home. When I look back, I cherish the sense of achievement I feel. 

And so, as December is approaching and I am getting ready for my one and a half month long vacation, I feel an intense sense of belonging. 

Today, I feel like I belong to two places: 

 A place with my favorite black and yellow Rikshaws and a place with the most interesting conversations with Cab drivers. A place where I was served hot food on the dining table three times a day and a place where I heated food that I made three days ago. A place where my mother took care of me and a place where I realized how important it was to take care of myself. A place where my best friends are, a place where I made new friends for life. A place where I'm most comfortable and a place where I created my sense of comfort.

A place where I grew up and the place that helped me grow up.

And like I said, I didn't know what it feels like to be going home. Today I do, and it feels beautiful. 

Thursday 1 October 2015

TOMS #withoutshoes

Between May 5 and May 21, 2015, TOMS a California based footwear and eyewear company did something pretty legendary on Instagram. They had an initiative called “One day without shoes” where they encouraged instagrammers to upload a picture of themselves barefoot with the hashtag #withoutshoes. With each picture uploaded they would donate a pair of shoes to a child in need. Their goal was to give out a Million Shoes.

Tom’s is a company that is known for its philanthropy as every pair of shoes that the company sells, a new pair of shoes is given to a child in need. A portion of the profit in their eyewear sales is also given towards restoration of eyesight among people in developing countries. What was unique about this campaign was that TOMS was not asking their customers to purchase their shoes. It was not just a campaign, they had launched a collective movement. By the end of the period TOMS had a path breaking 296,243 entries for the initiative with each entry having a unique individual touch about each individuals support towards children’s health and educations. This big story comprised of 3 million stories.

This particular event was of interest to me because of how they harnessed Instagram as a media platform to encourage stories by tapping into a human need.  Human beings always seek identification. In this case everybody involved in the initiative identified with the larger cause that also made them feel good about themselves as well as the company. This resulted in a lot of earned media for the company as most entries also congratulated TOMS for their initiative, which resulted in a lot of positive publicity. It was a clear case of “Do good by doing good”


Personally TOMS, You took my heart away!

#withoutshoes: Rocking ugly feet since 1992.

Tuesday 22 September 2015

I was interviewed on a Ferris Wheel!

This one deserves a blog post!
So, the graduation date is coming close and the job hunt has begun!

Today was my first interview of the season and it was on A FERRIS WHEEL! 

HAVAS, a fabulous agency and also one of my dream companies (known to have made some of the best campaigns such as Cracker Barrel, Hefty and Dish) had its recruiting event at Chicago's iconic Ferris Wheel at Navy Pier. This was special for 2 reasons:
One, because advertising agencies are known to be innovative, cutting edge and quirky in their approach and Havas definitely tops this recruiting game, and two, because this beautiful classic wheel is retiring on September 27 and is going to be replaced with a brand new, bigger, modernized temperature controlled wheel!

I have obviously been on a blogging sabbatical for a while but this Summer I interned with the 4A's through which I spent a week at 9 of Chicago's best agencies!
One of these was HAVAS and my entire team absolutely loved the culture, pace and people of the agency in our week there. This is what motivated me to interview for this company but what would be better than interviewing on top of the world looking at Chicago's skyline? The cherry on the cake was that I had the opportunity to be interviewed by HAVAS' CEO Paul Marobella one of the warmest and most passionate people I met in the summer quarter! He was so humble, appreciative and really ensured that I felt comfortable up there.

Being an IMC student, I took an IMC approach for the interview. I took a paper powerpoint presentation (who needs technology on a Ferris wheel?), a pack of personality cards where he could pick a card and I'd speak about it and a 14 minute elevator pitch and then asked my interviewer to take his pick! Afterall, today's consumer wants options and customization and it's up to the marketer to ensure the best consumer experience!

Speaking about the experience, I think the experience of being on a Ferris Wheel and the experience of an interview really go together because both are so stimulating and generate the right kind of excitement to bring out one's creativity and enthusiasm. As I was interviewing for a strategy position it was better as it brought out all my best experiences and creativity.

This leaves me with a thought, the new age company has to constantly strive to do something bigger, better and crazier to attract people that resonate with its values! This resonated with mine :)

Fingers crossed for what happens next but whatever the outcome may be, I'm pretty sure I'm never going to interview on a Ferris Wheel again!

Next blog post about a campaign really close to my heart!


Saturday 8 August 2015

Thoughts on Branding

Growing up, I loved expressing - in the form of stories, spoken word poetry or music. When I tied my passion to its main objective I realized that telling stories is what I really enjoy. Identifying things, relating them, connecting dots and creating experiences. A love for human nature and all of the above brought me to the field of Marketing Communications. I am no expert and not even close to accomplished but as I probe deeper into a subject I am so passionate about, it continues to fascinate me. After taking a few brand classes at school and learning from some very insightful teachers and mentors, I kept noting down what really speaks to me. Here are a few things that  I learned and I believe in:
  • Stop & Stare: In today's time, wherein you and I have such strong opinions and the media landscape is so intensified, It's so difficult to come across brand communication that actually makes you stop and stare. Be that! Make them wonder and give them a feeling they can't name. Make it a piece of art that means something in their lives.

  • Be human: People want to talk, feel, react and actually relate to these messages. They want it to feel like they are having a real conversation which makes it even more important to personify the brand. Be something more than just the product for someone. Be a friend, a lover, a mentor and perhaps even an enemy? Let people visualize it as skin and bones with real thoughts, real opinions and real beliefs. Sparkling eyes and a witty tongue and a personality you'd want to be stuck with at a bar. Don't be just a name! 

  • Be simple: Don't make them think too hard and don't make it seem like rocket science. Let them think only till the extent that when they figure it out they feel a sense of accomplishment. Articulate clearly and in a way that is easy to register and remember, only then will the brand be memorable. Keep it simple, silly!

  • Ongoing Process: Today, brands aren't a one step product. A great logo, some great packaging and a great color scheme - Voila! It's done! NO! Its much more than that: It's an ongoing process, being shaped by every step you take, every move you make, every breath you take, every bond you break, they'll be watching you! (Yes, I feel particularly musical)

  • Relentlessly Relevant: That is why it's  key for brands to be relentlessly relevant. Everyone who wants to see great brand communication should see "Amul" advertisements. Amul is an Indian dairy brand and in my opinion it is the best example of relentlessly relevant advertising. They started in 1967 and today in 2015 they are still going strong which makes them relentless They create spoofs of current affairs and tie it strongly with their butter brand using wit and sarcasm which makes it so relevant. They speak culture and they speak a language that everyone knows. It's flawless and fabulous!

  • Surprise-surprise: People want to be surprised! They want to laugh and cry, be agitated and get excited. They hate predictability because that's how life is anyway. They want an experience that isn't like their daily life. Why do you think movies work? Romance works and so do thrillers, only because you're taking them into a life so different than their own and for those 400 pages or 3 hours they feel like they're a part of that life!

  •  Innovate: Innovate! Show them something they've never seen before. . We did an assignment in our brand content course which is called : "An orange is an orange except that it isn't!" We had to sell an  idea of  oranges as not-oranges. Make them think about something in a way that they have never thought about before  This drives away predictability and brings in freshness in the way a consumer perceives your idea.

  • Adapt:  Watch culture, watch trends and observe the building and breaking of opinions. Be politically correct and don't be controversial. If there's something raging in culture, make it a statement of your brand. Pop culture is your best friend, always use it to your advantage. Adapt to technology and adapt to user experience. Make it simpler as the world becomes simpler. Adapt before you're extinct.

  • Don't be fluff! Consumers see through it. They know when you're selling the idea of the whole world being a beautiful place, collective love and lots of feathers and teddy bears because they know that IT'S NOT!  Tell them something they believe in. Don't manipulate them. Make them feel what you feel, make them think what you think. Be genuine! Manipulation will bring in one purchase and then a lifetime of a negative fixed opinion but ingenuity will build trust for a lifetime

  • The past is the future: This one is my favorite! Look back in the past. These are things nobody does anymore. There's a reason why people like classic and vintage and the same goes for branding. Throw in hand written notes, use a colloquial tone, design cards with felt pens, use classic fonts and pastel colors, use classic music and old jingles. Nothing strikes a deeper chord than history! 

Be passionate, persuasive and observant of people!

Sunday 26 July 2015

Et tu brute

William Shakespeare,

He was pure genius.
I had a hate-love relationship with him in school. I loved Julius Caesar,  hated Macbeth and loved Merchant of Venice. Romeo and Juliet was beautiful, The tempest was like a conjurer's dream and Hamlet was pure boring. But when I say hate-love, whatever I felt the stories always demanded a strong reaction. They couldn't be ignored. It demanded of you to form an opinion with real raw emotions. Today we read books -  good and bad. There are books that make you go crazy. The alchemist did that for me. But there are so many that just pass by and you never look back. He could never make that happen. 
That was his magic. 

I had a phase when I tried talking like his characters.The dramatization, poetic emotions, passionate characters, murder and insecurities, love and lust. It enthralled me. (I also sounded really stupid) 
His works were life-like. His characters imperfect. They were like you and I. They were just more honest about their emotions.

Of course, now there is this new theory saying he was they and Shakespeare was a pseudonym.

His language was arcane but somehow his words touched you. They had a certain depth in them. He created an atmosphere that set perfect pictures in front of your eyes. All books do, but these were vivid colored pictures. I haven't read any of his works since school but the stories and phrases were the kinds that remain etched in your memory. I still fear the Ides of March (Something Bad always happens) , I wish life had time pauses where I could come out and recite a Soliloquy. In fact there are times when my mother catches me talking to myself (Read: I am not mad) , and I put the blame on Shakespeare. I do a little literary genius strut and tell her its my version of a Soliloquy. My inner goddess does a cat stretch with her chin up. 

The point being,  we owe him so much today.
We don't realize but there is so much we say, so much we do, the thoughts we feel, the wit that we think is ours -  that we owe to him .

Knock- knock !Who's there? - Yes, we joke because of him.  
Do you smell "Foul Play" ? Even if you do, stand by your opinions, "Come what May." 
Lovers that we are we say , "Love is blind!" 
 To pamper our ego we quote, "The world is my oyster" and the incessant ego boost is what we owe to him. 
 "Wear your hearts on your sleeves" when you communicate and when you joke, "Brevity is the soul of wit."
A homeless man is a "Sorry sight" and a stupid man is a "Laughing Stock."
 When we are nervous we waited with "Baited breath"  and it "makes your hair stand on ends" and once the results are out it doesn't matter because "What's done is done." 
When someone dies, "He breathed his last" and when someone disappears without notice,"He vanished into thin air" Then follows the philosophy of life and death and how nothing is permanent , because  'All the world's a stage."
That was "Good Riddance" of the "Green Eyed Monster"  and its great that you finally "Sent him packing." 
"For Goodness' sake" let me sleep "I haven't slept a wink". 
The "Naked Truth" is that we "break the ice" and make new friends, but keep your old ones close because, "When sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalions." 
We say good people have "A heart of gold" and bad people are "Devil's incarnates" 
We have "Seen better days" but don't be fooled because, "Too much of a good thing" is bad.  

We shouldn't be "Faint hearted" and we should "Fight fire with Fire"  because life is short and once the "Game is up"we will all be "as dead as doornails."
 Life is a "Full Circle" and we should "Play fair" to make it a "brave New World" before  the "Game if up" 

Oh, Shakespeare, you were a "A piece of Work" 

Ink-blue finger tips

I wanted to write something.
You know those nights when you're just itching to write? 
I'm not sure if you know...
You crave to hear the intensely fast clatter of the keypad as you move your fingers at lightening fast speed or the squeaky high frequency scribble on a sparkling white piece of ruled paper.

Writing brings immeasurable happiness to me,

So I thought I'll start writing and see where it takes me,
Because words, they take you traveling. You start at one pole and end at another, and the story in the middle is what manifests on its own.You think you're doing it, but you're really not. One word leads to another and it forms a sentence. You don't even realize it but it turns into something magical.That's the thing about wordplay, it's insanely mysterious and double-insanely powerful. I don't usually know where I'm going to end up until I get to the end. Sometimes its unstructured (like I usually rattle away), and sometimes it has a definite structure. 

Today I use the keyboard to type words, 
but writing with a blue fountain pen with ink dripping all over my fingers was close to heaven.
The smell of ink is divine. 

" If dawn and dusk had a scent then the smell of ink is the smell of dawn and dusk with a white lily dipped in it."

The shabby ink blue finger tips that lasts for days is a happy memory of a peaceful hour gone dreaming, rummaging and scribbling. 

Writing is a life within a life. Blue words on white crisp paper take you into a new world where you need nothing but your words. They become people, emotions and sometimes entire lives. These words have the capability to make us feel things deeper than they are, more vivid than they seem and more beautiful than it is. Two words can make you want to rip somebody's heart apart and one word can make a life-long friend. Sometimes half a word is enough to fall in love. Some power isn't it?

And words, they make you feel so vulnerable and vulnerable is so incredibly scary but so beautiful! Where you let it all out and place it messily on a piece of paper:
This is me, all of me, nothing more, nothing less. Nobody else could bring out that kind of unconditional vulnerability.

But these words, little buggers made of alphabets, they've got double standards too,
They make you feel vulnerable yet extremely powerful. They help you communicate and sometimes they help you stay away from communication. They help you love and hate, they help you imagine and ideate. 
Little love letters, novels, a thesis on archeology. 
Emotions, history and philosophy. 
They're all but words. 
Nothing more nothing less.

After all,
It all starts with ink blue fingertips and a whole lot of happiness.

Wednesday 10 June 2015


As I write this, I am flying 20,000 feet above Kansas. It’s a warm, sunny day (Read: A blessing) and as I prop my legs against the seat board with a book in my hand (Thank you, Nina), life with all its imperfections, feels perfect. Not because I am going to California or because I am meeting my best friends after 10 months(THAT), but because I, for once feel like this is my happy place – exactly where I'm meant to be – flying above a blanket of clouds, driving by lush green plains and poppy fields, zooming past a mountain trail, or sometimes even taking the shuttle to school?

On the move, bags packed, tags tied, seat belts fastened, sceneries around me and sunlight on my face. The rush, the inertia, the fast paced walk and curious eyes that seem to absorb all the stimuli around. Knowing that I'm on my way to someplace. It’s in that moment where I’m really in the present. Not thinking about anything and just being myself. Crying babies, reunited couples, dozing grandpas. It all feels so raw and real! Traveling brings out human behavior in its truest form, I think. Sweatpants and flip-flops – zero pretentiousness.

Life is a journey and probably that is why traveling brings you to your most innately natural state. Because you know that the journey has a start and an end, everything in the middle is valued so much! It feels like in that one journey, you lived a little life.

I’m going to go back to my book now and then probably take a nap!
Ah, the good life.

Just wanted you to know that:

My soul smiles when I'm in transit! :)