Sunday, 31 May 2015


Sunsets have always been my favorite for many many reasons.

But today's was different and definitely the most beautiful since I have moved to Chicago :

It was absolutely breathtaking. Most of the sky was a steel gray because Chicago is obnoxious  in terms of weather and it was a cold cloudy June day. But far at the horizon there was a rich golden yellow and a flurry of crimson, mauve and peach slowly blended flawlessly into the steel gray. I had never seen something like that before. It was different.

It was different, not just because it was splendid but because of the realization that followed after.

Its a casual sunday and I'm over-worked. I have been sitting in the same position on the same side of the couch with my body aligned against the same pillow working on multiple presentations. Finals week struggles are real. So I was sitting, propped against my pillow, cozy under my fleece sheet working on the content strategy for an ice-cream company.

It was 8:07 pm and I happened to stretch and look outside the window that was right behind me. I saw this beautiful sight. The picture does not do even half the justice to the real thing. Technology is obviously overrated. I removed my cellphone to take a few pictures and dramatically gasped a little at the beauty. At approximately 8:09 I was back to my couch propped against the same pillow working on the ice-cream strategy again.

At 8:23, I turned again and the sunset was gone.

I realized I was never going to see the sunset again except in this 8 megapixel form.

And the same goes for every day :)

Carpe Diem